söndag 22 augusti 2010

KIkkan Hulthén

I like to make wearable art that´s making a statement.
My art is often about communicating, based on a lot of
thoughts and made in different kind of materials.

I´ve taken art at Hdk Gothenburg University, arts and
crafts at Nyckelviksskolan and Stenebyskolan.

See you!

Helle Rasmussen-Theliander

Hello there...
Born Danish, living in Sweden.
That´s all (for now) Folks´
Love Helle

söndag 8 augusti 2010

Monica Buongiovanni

Born in Naples, Italy. 1974.

I live and work in Florence, Italy where I attended the three years course
at "Alchimia" International Contemporary Jewellery School (2004-2007).
Graduated as industrial designer (2003) after two years of architecture
studies at "Federico II" University in Naples.
I have worked as graphic and industrial designer since 2001 with
accessories-fashion companies and design studios in Italy and Germany.

In my jewellery I am attempting to express intimate impressions.
Moods, mentions.
Sometimes the everyday objects are protagonists, keepers of presences,
absences. They tell memories or wishes.
Sometimes a story wrote from a famous writer becames itself an object.
Simple materials as silk, paper, glass, soap, wood combined to metals
and images.

Yuki Sumiya

Hi there, my name is Yuki Sumiya.

I am Japanese and I´m living at "Kamakura" which was the old small capital
of Japan. It takes about 1 hour from Tokyo by train, near sea and hill, with a
lot of temples and shrines, and very calm place.

I learned in junior art collage in Tokyo and Alchimia contemporary school in
Florence, metalsmithing.

I´m glad to join in this exhibition.
I hope to see you some day!

My website.