söndag 22 augusti 2010

KIkkan Hulthén

I like to make wearable art that´s making a statement.
My art is often about communicating, based on a lot of
thoughts and made in different kind of materials.

I´ve taken art at Hdk Gothenburg University, arts and
crafts at Nyckelviksskolan and Stenebyskolan.

See you!

Helle Rasmussen-Theliander

Hello there...
Born Danish, living in Sweden.
That´s all (for now) Folks´
Love Helle

söndag 8 augusti 2010

Monica Buongiovanni

Born in Naples, Italy. 1974.

I live and work in Florence, Italy where I attended the three years course
at "Alchimia" International Contemporary Jewellery School (2004-2007).
Graduated as industrial designer (2003) after two years of architecture
studies at "Federico II" University in Naples.
I have worked as graphic and industrial designer since 2001 with
accessories-fashion companies and design studios in Italy and Germany.

In my jewellery I am attempting to express intimate impressions.
Moods, mentions.
Sometimes the everyday objects are protagonists, keepers of presences,
absences. They tell memories or wishes.
Sometimes a story wrote from a famous writer becames itself an object.
Simple materials as silk, paper, glass, soap, wood combined to metals
and images.

Yuki Sumiya

Hi there, my name is Yuki Sumiya.

I am Japanese and I´m living at "Kamakura" which was the old small capital
of Japan. It takes about 1 hour from Tokyo by train, near sea and hill, with a
lot of temples and shrines, and very calm place.

I learned in junior art collage in Tokyo and Alchimia contemporary school in
Florence, metalsmithing.

I´m glad to join in this exhibition.
I hope to see you some day!

My website.

fredag 23 juli 2010

torsdag 22 juli 2010

Suzanne Beautyman

Suzanne Beautyman received her BA in Economics in 2002 from Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota. After three years in marketing, she moved to Italy to pursue a passion for metalsmithing, and the jewelry arts in particular. In Florence she studied under such renowned jewelry artists as Manfred Bischoff and Peter Skubic at Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School.
In 2008 she returned to the United States to pursue an MFA under the German jewelry artist Iris Eichenberg at Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, MI. Since graduating in May of 2010, Suzanne has spent two months in Berlin, Germany as the 2010 recipient of the Daimler Emerging Artist Award. This fall she returns to Alchimia to begin her new role as Assistant Director and teacher for students of their First and Second Year courses.

Elin Ryd

My name is Elin Ryd, soon middle aged mother of two, living in
Gothenburg, Sweden.
I have my degree from Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School
in Italy.

I´m continuously in conflict with Mr Jewelry. I get married and
divorced many times a year…
I have tried to run away but I always fall back again. We live in a
sort of love and hate relationship, which is quite exciting!

I support myself as a jewelry designer with my own brand, but I
find it important to be able to work noncommercial as well.

I look forward to see what will come out of this cooperation!

See you in the circus tent!!